Department of Forensic Medicine
Department of Forensic Medicine
General Information:
In our Forensic Medicine Department, Forensic Medicine Service is provided to Elazığ and its districts and surrounding provinces.
Trainings Given;
1. Forensic Medicine research assistant theoretical and practical training,
2. Faculty of Medicine 5th year undergraduate courses,
3. Faculty of Dentistry Term 5 Forensic Dentistry Undergraduate courses,
4. Autopsy assistant 1st and 2nd year associate degree program courses.
Medical Services Provided;
1. Forensic Report Preparation, Forensic Examination and Autopsy Applications, Detention Entry-Exit Examinations,
2. Criminal License Reports, Sample collection for DNA Examination, Age Determination Reports,
3. Other services related to Forensic Medicine
Contact: 0 - 424 - 2333555 (1594)
Faculty Members:
Assoc. Dr. Abdurrahim TURKOĞLU
Assoc. Dr. Turgay BÖRK
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