Department of Family Medicine
General Information:
Family Medicine is an academic and scientific discipline with its own educational content, research, evidence-based and clinical practices, and a clinical specialty focused on primary care.
Trainings Given:
1. Theoretical and practical training of students of the Faculty of Medicine,
2. Specialization training of research assistant doctors,
Medical Services:
1-Family Medicine Polyclinic:
General Health Examinations and Services
2-Immunization Polyclinic:
Aiming to prevent preventable diseases through information about immunization and vaccination practices.
3-Employee Health and Safety Services:
To provide necessary training and health screening services to hospital staff against the dangers and risks they may be exposed to.
Contact: Fırat University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, 23119 Elazığ – TURKEY
Tel: +90 424 2122960
Fax : +90 424 2379138
Faculty Members
Assoc. Dr. Burkay YAKAR
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